Privacy Policy

Who we are

Thrive Childcare and Education Limited is committed to protecting your privacy.  We have updated our Privacy Notice to reflect the changes to data protection law brought about by the General Data Protection Regulation (“GDPR”).  We have set out below important information that explains how we use the personal information that you provide to us.

Thrive Childcare and Education Limited (“we”) is a private limited company.  We own and operate a number of nurseries, providing early years child care services, with different locations in England and Scotland.

What personal data we collect and why we collect it

When you contact us with an enquiry or when you become a customer, we will ask you to provide certain personal details about you (as the parent/guardian) and your child/children.  This is so that we can respond to your enquiry and/or process your information if you wish to become our customer.  We will also use your data to process payments/refunds and to monitor and improve our services.

If you contact us with an enquiry

When you contact us with an enquiry – either by visiting, telephoning or emailing one of our nurseries or by submitting an enquiry form via our website, we ask you to provide your name, email address and phone number as well as your child’s name and date of birth (if applicable) as well as details of your enquiry.  If you visit one of our nurseries, we input this information into a form and submit it to our sales and marketing team so that we can follow up with you and respond to your query.  The main purpose of requesting this information is so that we can contact you and respond to your query.  If you choose to arrange a nursery viewing, we may also use your information to contact you to arrange and confirm the arrangements for the viewing.  This is usually done by email, phone or text message.  We will process your data for this purpose on the basis that we will be taking steps at your request prior to entering or possible entering a contract (to provide childcare services) with you.

If, after responding to your initial enquiry, we do not hear from you shortly thereafter, we will try and contact you again.  Alternatively, we will contact you at any given point in the future if you ask us to.  If we do not hear from you after our follow-up attempt, we will try and contact you one more time.  We will process your data for this purpose on the basis that we will be taking steps at your request prior to entering or possibly entering into a contract (to provide childcare services) with you.    If we do not hear from you following our second follow-up, we will delete the personal data that you provided to us during your initial enquiry and we will not contact you again unless you ask us to.  We are required to use appropriate technical and organisational measures to ensure that your personal data is stored and deleted safely and securely.

If you do not become one of our customers but choose to opt-in to receiving marketing messages from us, we will from time to time use your contact information to send you marketing messages by email containing details of our services that may interest you.  If you choose to opt-in to receiving marketing messages, you can opt-out at any time by clicking on the unsubscribe link on our marketing emails or by contacting us and notifying us that you no longer wish to receive marketing messages.  If you are opt-in, the messages will be sent to you on the basis that you have provided your consent to receive them.

Google ReCAPTCHA Settings

Google ReCAPTCHA is an automated fraud and abuse protection system. This is attached to our forms for the purpose of filtering autonomous entries and attacks, while ensuring a user-friendly experience.

Our forms are integrated with ReCAPTCHA Version 3. Automatically enabled across the website via script to identify and flag suspicious activity.


If you become our customer

If you become our customer, we will ask you to provide personal data that we require about you and your child/children to enable us to provide you with our services.  We are required to use appropriate technical and organisational measures to ensure that the information you provide is stored and processed securely.  We store manual and electronic information.  We will only process your personal data in accordance with the law.  We will also request relevant information from you such as your bank and other applicable financial details for the purposes of charging you for our services, collecting payment and, where applicable, processing refunds.  We will process your data for this purpose on the basis that it will be necessary for us to perform our obligations under our contract (to provide childcare services) with you.

If you are an existing or previous customer, we may also, from time to time, use your contact information to send you marketing messages by email, with details of our services that we think you may be interested in.  We will send these messages to you on the basis that it is within our legitimate interests to do so – unless you choose to opt out of receiving them. You can opt-out at any time by clicking on the unsubscribe link on our marketing emails or by contacting us and notifying us that you no longer wish to receive marketing messages.  If you choose to opt out at any point, we will not send any marketing messages to you.

Sensitive (“special categories”) of personal data

In the course of providing our services, it may be necessary for us to store/process sensitive (known as “special categories” of data) personal data about you or your child.  The GDPR defines special categories’ of data as personal data revealing racial or ethnic origin, political opinions, religious or philosophical beliefs or trade union membership and the processing of genetic data, biometric data for the purpose of uniquely identifying a natural person, data concerning health or data concerning a natural person’s sex life or sexual orientation.  During the course of carrying out our legitimate activities in the provision of childcare services, we may process some personal data pertaining to you and/or you child when required.  This could include information about your child’s health for example.  In addition, some of our nurseries are equipped with biometric scanners as part of the security system.  This technology stores a record of a person’s fingerprint which they will require in order to access the building and different areas within a building.  This helps us to keep children, customers, staff and our premises secure by restricting who has access.  We will only process this category of data in accordance with the law.

Photographs & Video

We sometimes use photographs and videos for preparing and publishing promotional material and on our websites.  We will only publish photographs and videos of your child with your consent.  We request this consent in written form and you can withdraw it at any time.  If you provide your consent, we will continue to use photographs and/or videos until you withdraw your consent.

Where is the information stored?

If you visit one of our nurseries or if you contact one of our nurseries by telephone, the personal data that you provide will be put onto a written enquiry form.  Your information will then be submitted electronically to our sales and marketing team.  If you contact us by email or submit an online enquiry via one of our websites, your information will be submitted directly and electronically to our sales and marketing team.  Our sales and marketing team will then use the information as described above.  Any written forms containing your personal data will be stored securely or otherwise disposed of safely and securely.  We are required to use appropriate technical and organisational measures to ensure that your personal data is processed securely.

Does anyone else receive this information?

Your information will be stored securely within Thrive Childcare and Education.  It may be shared between our different nursery locations within Thrive Childcare and Education.  We will never give your personal data (or personal data pertaining to your child) to any third party without your permission or unless we are required to do so by law.

How long do we retain your information?

If you become our customer, we will retain the personal data that you provide for as long as is necessary.  If you make an enquiry with us but do not become our customer, we will retain your personal data in accordance with the paragraph above entitled ‘When you contact us with an enquiry’.

Your rights

You have the right to request from us access to the personal data that we process about you.  You have the right to ask us to rectify any data that we process about you that is inaccurate.  You have the right to ask us to erase your personal data (“right to be forgotten”).  You have the right to request restriction of the processing of your data that we undertake.  You have the right request portability of your personal data.  If we process data on the basis of your consent, you have the right to withdraw your consent at any time (although this will not affect the lawfulness of any processing which occurred on the basis of your consent prior to withdrawal).

How to contact us if you have a query about your personal data, this privacy notice or should you wish to make a complaint

If you have any queries regarding how we process your personal data, about anything in this privacy notice or if you wish to update your personal details, make a request in accordance with your rights or make a complaint about our handling of your personal data, please email us at or write us at the address below:

Thrive Childcare and Education

Central Support Office
Newfield House
1 New Street
EH21 6HY
Tel: 0131 285 1541

Where to make a complaint if you feel that your data has been misused

If you have a complaint regarding the way that we have handled your personal data, please contact us at the above address so that we can investigate your complaint.  Once we have investigated your complaint, if you are still not satisfied with the outcome, you have the right to complain directly to the Information Commissioner’s Office at the address below.  It is not necessary for you to complain directly to us before complaining to the Information Commissioner’s Office.


Information Commissioner’s Office
Wycliffe House
Water Lane
Wilmslow, Cheshire
Tel: 0303 123 111
Email: via online form at 


Information Commissioner’s Office
45 Melville Street
Tel: 0303 123 1115

Email: via online form at 

For further information about your rights and about how to complain, you can visit the ICO’s website at: